Sunday, May 22, 2011

i love you baby forever and always quotes

i love you baby forever and always quotes. Vinyl wall quote I#39;ll love you
  • Vinyl wall quote I#39;ll love you

  • buckers
    Apr 6, 01:29 PM
    What do you intend to do on an Air that will require what little extra power the nvidia gfx offers over Intel. You sure as hell can't game with it.
    You sure as hell can.


    i love you baby forever and always quotes. singapore, I
  • singapore, I

  • koobcamuk
    Apr 7, 11:50 PM
    BestBuy are some of the most notorious criminals in this country and Apple should pull out completely from their worthless trash retail stores.

    How are they criminals?

    Are they as notorious as Al Capone yet?

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. of peoplebaby always ur I
  • of peoplebaby always ur I

  • babyj
    Sep 19, 10:18 AM
    30 days on refurbs might mean something actually...

    Any ideas?

    I've always assumed that it means they've got a warehouse full of returns that they're working their way through and that they prioritise on the items they want to get shot of quickly. If correct, a longer lead time would suggest no updates due in the near future so they can take their time getting rid of the stock.

    But then I'm also suspicious they ain't all returns and that they scuff the cases on all the excess stock so they can knock them out cheap without upsetting anyone.

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. I+love+you+aby+forever+
  • I+love+you+aby+forever+

  • Peace
    Jul 27, 10:10 AM
    Very, very true. You usually only get half the things you expect... the real gem is when you get something you didn't expect.

    Like the 30th Anniversary Mac ;)

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. I+love+you+aby+forever+
  • I+love+you+aby+forever+

  • daneoni
    Sep 19, 09:29 AM
    why does anyone need to justify to you why they want 64-bit computing?

    I was just gonna say that. All you people trying to tell people want they need and dont need are just wasting your time. At the end of the day people are gonna buy what they want regardless of what you preach to them.

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. cases, I
  • cases, I

  • Orange-DE
    Jul 21, 07:10 AM
    Will it be possible to plug-in any PC graphics cards into an Intel Mac Pro?
    Since Apple uses Intel�s chipsets and bords, including PCI-bound hardware devices such as ethernet and sound, controllers and so on - i don�t belive that intel changed the specifications of f.e. an 945i-chipset just for burning in firmwares instead of BIOSes!?!

    Apple - bring the iHome and make us happy :)

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. Peoplebaby always quotes i
  • Peoplebaby always quotes i

  • braddouglass
    Apr 6, 12:46 PM
    Rev D. has no overheating issues. My CPU doesn't go over 70�C when watching 1080p Flash video in fullscreen. The fan sometimes kicks in but it's still very comfortable to use on your lap, since it's barely even warm. Older MBAs suffered from overheating, that is true.

    Shouldn't the flash HD have a significant role in overheating? I would think with the Flash HD with no moving parts it would be hard to over heat unless you sit there blocking the fan the whole time. :confused:

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. to “I#39;ll love you forever,
  • to “I#39;ll love you forever,

  • fsck-y dingo
    Apr 27, 08:53 AM
    for all the tin foil hatters out there, what will happen to the phone performance when the location services are turned off?

    Improved battery life. :)

    I only activate Locations Services when I feel it's needed. Maps, Star Walk and MLB at Bat are about the only ones that come to mind. I don't keep Location Services turned on all of the time. I switch it on before using one of these. For The Weather Channel and other apps that require a location to function I manually enter it.

    I've got the Cydia tweak Untrackerd installed and haven't noticed a slow down with any apps regarding location. I run Speed Test without Location Services and it's quick to choose a nearby server using cell tower info. This is why I don't think the record of previously used towers is needed as much as Apple says. Things work well, and fast enough, without these stored lists.

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. hat, I
  • hat, I

  • squeeks
    Apr 28, 03:58 PM
    Did you ask to see W's birth certificate, or any other president's birth certificate? Why not?

    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn�t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there�s no need to be calling names about it.

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. I+love+you+aby+forever+
  • I+love+you+aby+forever+

  • unlinked
    Apr 6, 04:51 PM
    BTW... the Xoom at the Best Buy here is broken... been that way for two weeks now according to the sales guy.

    If the sales are so bad why don't they just replace it from the stock they have?

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. I+love+you+aby+forever
  • I+love+you+aby+forever

  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:25 AM
    I bet you that you'll never see a iPad with screen resolution like 2048x1536, it's a ****ing nightmare to iOS developers. You don't understand that it's ****ing crazy, iOS interface like MacOS X interface is not scalable. Apple have to change the whole GUI before making this step forward.

    what did Apple do with the iP4? Oh wait...
    As far as Devs are concerned, they 2x the res for their ease. Sorry, its not that "****ing crazy". Oh, and before someone says "well theres not going to be a mobile GPU that could handle that res"; not true, even now theres some great emerging technologies that have handled concurrent instances of 1080p (like 10 displays)...much less whats going to be available in 2012(if we survive the world ending:) Furthermore, native apps like iBooks/iTunes/etc dont require heavy processing to display hi res. Sorry man, youre wrong.

    PS: Take it easy on the *

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. I LOVE YOU BABY FOREVER QUOTES

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 09:40 AM
    It's nice that this month's "Apple-gate" story will start to die. I can't wait to see what the media generates next month in the "Apple-gate" saga.


    C'mon, Apple competitors, think up your next outrage.

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. Forever, ill always quotes god
  • Forever, ill always quotes god

  • theOtherGeoff
    Mar 22, 04:55 PM
    samsung designs and builds stuff in factories they OWN. Not all of their manufacturing is outsourced, unlike apple. Yes samsung provides ram, LCD (?), and A5 for apple's ipad. It was rumored that TSMC would also make A5 for apple so that apple is not so dependent on samsung but from what I saw in teardowns, samsung is still making some, if not all, of A5.

    The difference is Samsung outsources it's OS development, it's developer community management, it's app ecosystem.

    Cost competitive doesn't experience competitive.

    I think for 'spec' people (hard core coders, corp types that need to control configuration), Samsung (and more importantly, when HP gets in the game HP), will compete there.... HOWEVER, this is a consumer run market, and much like a Sony WalkMan back in the day, or RollerBlades([tm]... the rest were 'inline skates'), Apple is 'defining' the market... and the rest are just knockoffs.

    And unlike the old BMW pricing explanation(excuse) for Macs (equal specs and quality... from Apple HP and Dell are about the same in price) Apple is pushing iPad's experience at the BMW levels, but at Honda prices.

    And RIM and samsung are pushing mid 80's GM quality against a 2012 BMW at honda prices, when the market will probably demand Kia prices for the 'experience'

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. i love you forever and always
  • i love you forever and always

  • admanimal
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks ( in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

    Yeah, with problems like that they are destined to fail. :rolleyes:

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. i love you forever and always
  • i love you forever and always

  • canucksfan88
    Mar 26, 03:44 PM
    does anyone else thing launchpad is the worst idea yet?

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. i love you forever and always quotes. I love you forever and always. I love you forever and always. ninjadoc. Apr 6, 07:10 PM
  • i love you forever and always quotes. I love you forever and always. I love you forever and always. ninjadoc. Apr 6, 07:10 PM

  • k995
    Apr 20, 01:39 PM
    Seriously the iPhone looks like Prada? I'd got to be blind to not notice that.
    The google nexus s looks like an iphone? I'd got to be blind to not notice that.

    yet the same criteria apple uses can be used on the prada.

    But glad to see you find those arguments rubbish.

    The only similarity is the rounded corners and even the rounded corners look very different.

    What exactly is similar if I may know?

    Rows of icons?

    Dock at the bottom of screen?

    Capacitive screen (prada was the first btw)

    Button at the bottom, speaker above camera at the same place ,...

    Enough simularities as the current charges of apple against samsung/htc and google .

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. i love you forever and always quotes. Love you forever-; Love you forever-. MacRumors. Nov 28, 06:24 PM
  • i love you forever and always quotes. Love you forever-; Love you forever-. MacRumors. Nov 28, 06:24 PM

  • Surreal
    Aug 27, 02:11 PM
    jeez, i thought the thread might cool off in a day or so, but there is no sign of that happening, is there?

    well, i have wondered for some time, how many people have had problems with the 17" mavbook pros?

    i have's fine. i heard a few small scale problems about it, but nothing on the scale of the 15"

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. i love you forever and always quotes. drug to Love+you+forever+; drug to Love+you+forever+. Yvan256. Apr 19, 02:01 PM. why? iphones outselling itouches by
  • i love you forever and always quotes. drug to Love+you+forever+; drug to Love+you+forever+. Yvan256. Apr 19, 02:01 PM. why? iphones outselling itouches by

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Sep 1, 08:55 AM
    So i'm wondering, if the standard cars are indeed copy/pasted from GT4, then what about the new standard cars they will be adding (like updated models from the past 5 years)? Obviously the ps3 can handle higher poly models, so surely they wouldn't build new models then scale them down to match gt4... That would be idiotic.

    i love you baby forever and always quotes. i love you quotes for him.
  • i love you quotes for him.

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 11:53 AM
    He shouldn't have given in to the racists. But it's out there.

    Image (

    Now will Donald Trump and all of these other racist *******s please shut the hell up?


    More like plain old generic morons. I have NO IDEA why Obama would cave like this....

    k2k koos
    Nov 28, 07:30 PM
    This would be like Ford paying Exxon a fee because some car drivers syphon gas....pretty weird!

    Not quite, the car you syphon it from will still need to go back and refill... it's not duplicating the fuel....

    The music industry needs a wake up call, there is probably no more complicated industry than this, with various copyright issues and loads of 'official bodies' legislating all kinds of stuff, and all because you thought of a song, recorded it with your 100 dollar acoustic guitar and want to sell it to make a living.. Try it, you can't. Once you have to go through all the above, your inspiration and will is flushed straight out....

    Apr 27, 12:02 PM
    I'm not a birther. But I would love to know why the certificate looks new when the president is nearly 50. Now I'm about five months older than he, my original birth certificate has faded. The certificate he produced clearly isn't the original. Or if it is the original, it's astoundingly well-preserved.

    He hasn't been carrying this around for 50 years. Did you actually read the article?

    The White House also released a letter from the president on April 22 requesting two certified copies of his original certificate of live birth. Also released was a letter from Loretta Fuddy, Hawaii's director of health, approving the request.
    The president's personal counsel, Judith Corley, traveled to Hawaii to pick up the documents and carried them back to Washington on a plane. The documents arrived at the White House around 5 p.m. Tuesday.

    Glen Quagmire
    Aug 23, 03:32 PM
    This will likely suck, because the interconnect Intel is using is just too damn slow. Putting four cores in the same package will just make the situation worse, because a lot of applications are significantly limited by memory performance.

    The Woodcrest processors have been put through their paces pretty well on the supercomputing lists, and their Achille's heal is the memory subsystem. Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores. Unless Intel pulls a rabbit out of their hat with their memory architecture issues when the quad core is released, AMDs quad core is going to embarrass them because of the memory bottleneck. And AMD is already starting to work on upgrading their already markedly superior memory architecture.

    In two years' time, Intel will release Nehalem its next micro-architecture - to replace Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest. It is supposed to ditch the FSB in favour of Intel's own interconnect, named CSI. Two years after Nehalem will come another micro-architecture.

    In some respects, I'm quite happy to have ordered a Woodcrest Mac Pro, especially if the slow FSB does slow things down when Woodcrest's successor is released. If the Mac Pro can last me three or four years, I'll be in time for the post-Nehalem generation, which should be fairly spectacular.

    Sep 19, 12:39 PM
    thx for your reply,

    i will go for the mac pro quad know (i'm updating my home computer wich is a G3, but i'm used to work on a dual G5 for my projects) and yeah i will allways be able then to update later, but how about ram, when DDR3 comes out, i read that its going to replace FB-DIMMs so will that be upgradeble too???
    cause these FB-DIMMS are so ********** expensive :) thx

    Mar 24, 12:49 PM
    Fixed that for you.

    Where does race come into this? I don't ask rhetorically. I may have missed it.