Monday, February 28, 2011
psoriatic nail dystrophy
Right, thimblelike pitting of the nail plate in a 56-year-old woman who had
[ CLOSE WINDOW ]. Plaque psoriasis. Courtesy of University of Briti.
psoriatic arthritis) at baseline and 8 weeks after initiation of
Fingernails and toenails are frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy)
influance with psoriasis (psoriatic nail dystrophy or nail lesions).
influance with psoriasis (psoriatic nail dystrophy or nail lesions).
Psoriatic nail pitting c.Junctional nevus d.Nail dystrophy
nail dystrophy involving the entire nail plate, and tumors of the nail
both feet with associated severe nail dystrophy to all fingers and toes.
손톱 및 발톱. twenty nail dystrophy. 손톱의 거침. twenty nail dystrophy.
이상(nail dystrophy) 초래.
Severe nail dystrophy of all 20 nails at presentation characterized by
Psoriatic JIA is an asymmetrical arthritis that affects the knees, ankles,
Nail Dystrophy-skin Disordersnail Dystrophy-skin Disorders
Nail Psoriasis Overview.
Figure 35-7 Nail dystrophy. A teenager with scaling of the nail suggestive
Figure 35-8 Nail dystrophy seen with atopic dermatitis.
weeks 12 and 20 for patients with nail dystrophy (NAPSI >0) at baseline.
Clinical findings vary and are related to the specific areas of nail matrix involvement. Pitting, onycholysis (separation of nail.
Nail deformities were present in both hands (fig 1A) and feet. Psoriatic